Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Online shops shipping and not shipping to Shipito warehouse in Torrance, CA

Logos of shops Online retailers may not only refuse to ship internationally, but also refuse to ship to freight/parcel/package forwarders (that use virtual US addresses). And it is interesting that even US shops that do offer international shipping, may refuse to ship to freight/parcel/package forwarders. Other USA shops accept international debit/credit cards and ship to Shipito warehouse in Torrance, CA. The following chart below mentiones 600+ successful and 200+ unsuccessful transactions reported by Shipito customers

What shops ship and don't ship to Shipito warehouse in Torrance, CA

23andme.comYESDecember 10, 2010All is OK
6pm.comYESSeptember 30, 2010Отправили без вопросов. Ни звонить, ни писать не потребовалось. Отправлял через UPS.
6pm.comYESSeptember 29, 2010Отправили, но пришлось звонить по скайпу и говорить адреса билинга и шипито, получилось бесплатно, т.к. бесплатный номер.
6pm.comYESSeptember 11, 2010No problem
6pm.comYESOctober 21, 2010ok
6pm.comYESOctober 18, 2011No problem with shipping
6pm.comYESOctober 18, 2010No Issues.
6pm.comYESOctober 13, 2010all fine
6pm.comYESNovember 08, 2010Если карточка русская, то в billing address надо ставить штат AA, zip 99999
6pm.comYESMay 24, 2010Ships without problems
6pm.comYESMay 22, 20106pm shipp at shipito
6pm.comYESMay 21, 2010Delivery by USPS during 2-4 days.
6pm.comYESMay 11, 2011No problem
6pm.comYESJune 24, 2010Without problem
6pm.comYESJune 23, 2010No problem with orders, which paid cards with russian billing.
6pm.comNOJune 21, 2010impossible to put the credit card information because of only us states
6pm.comYESJune 11, 2010ship
6pm.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
6pm.comYESJuly 13, 20102 orders, No problem. Billing adress вместо штата - АА, индекс - девятки, адрес - свой с городом через пробел. Хотя первый заказ указала биллинг тот же, что шиппинг - всё равно прошло нормально.
6pm.comYESJuly 08, 2010Дешевая бредовая одежда.
6pm.comYESJuly 06, 2011Shipping without any problems
6pm.comYESFebruary 02, 2011No problem, russian bank card.
6pm.comYESDecember 11, 2011No problems
6pm.comYESDecember 11, 2010все без проблем
6pm.comYESAugust 05, 2010UPS only.
A&FNOOctober 18, 2011does not send to mediators
abercrombieNOMay 25, 2010can you do something about this?
abercrombie.comNOSeptember 28, 2010No shipping to torrance
abercrombie.comNOOctober 16, 2010The orders can be placed with the virtual adress but come back with a refusal after a while.
abercrombie.comNOMay 30, 2010Order cancellation within 4 hours
abercrombie.comNOMay 26, 2010against their policy to ship to third party freight companies
abercrombie.comNOMay 24, 2011My order was Canceled. Because the Billing Address is not in USA.
abercrombie.comNOMay 21, 2010They don't ship to mail forwarders.
abercrombie.comNOJune 03, 2010They dont ship to torrance location.
abercrombie.comNOJuly 09, 2010Address is banned
abercrombie.comYESDecember 01, 2011No problem
abercrombie.copmYESMay 19, 2011No problem. Pay with Brazilian PayPal Account. Delivered OK!
abesofmaine.comYESSeptember 11, 2010No problem
achildscloset.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
adagio.comYESOctober 14, 2010No problem
adorama.comYESNovember 21, 2010Всё прошло с первого раза, покупка на 800 USD
ae.comYESSeptember 21, 2011После звонка в АЕ отправили-таки...
ae.comNOMay 24, 2011They said they don't ship to this address anymore due to problems in the past
ae.comNOJune 21, 2010Shop does not accept credit cards from Ukraine
ae.comYESDecember 10, 2010Приняли русскую карту.Отправлял на Шапито и в РФ без проблем.
ae.comYESDecember 09, 2010No problem
aeropostaleYESDecember 09, 2010accept only USA ip and card
aeropostale.comYESMay 24, 2011No problem. Accepted a PayPal account with Brazilian billing.
aimtofind.comYESOctober 13, 2010accept international cc
aj wholesaleYESJuly 09, 2010by
aldoshoes.comYESJune 07, 2010Works
Altrec.comYESOctober 25, 2010In e-mail said that shipped by UPS and gave link on them, but sent by FedEx. Delivered in time.
Altrec.comYESMarch 13, 2011Use US IP adress for making order! Shipping&Billing Shpt. Кто надумает там заказывать,используйте американский АйПи!Иначе,ваша корзина будет бесконечно пуста!Сделал заказюРазбился на 2 посылки.Деньги заблокировались.После 1й посылки снова заблокировали деньги за 1ю часть,потом за 2ю!Такой у них порядок.Первую блокировку обьяснили проверкой наличия ден средств.И якобы любая authorизация снимается через 4-5 дней.Ага!Только в РФ это 30 дней строго)).Заказ пришел быстро.А денежки будем ждать дальше))ПРосили прислать факс в банк об отказе от 1й блокировки.Отказали.Письма мол хватит.Увы(( Короче.Имейте 200% средств,что б не влезть впросак. Такого я более нигде не встречал. Чудеса прям!
altrec.comYESJune 27, 2011Very simple
Altrec.comYESFebruary 19, 2011Prompt delivery. No probs.
altrec.comYESDecember 09, 2010The package has shipped
aluratek.comYESAugust 23, 2010shipped. Used Torrance as billing address
amazon.comYESSeptember 18, 2010тоже заказал Kindle 3, все ок
amazon.comYESSeptember 18, 2010Отправили Kindle 3 без проблемю Через сутки уже пришёл на почтовый ящик. Амазону без разницы биллинговый адрес. можно писать туда и американский из шипито.
amazon.comYESSeptember 16, 2010iPod touch
amazon.comYESSeptember 09, 2010Accepts international credit cards and IP addresses
amazon.comYESSeptember 05, 2011Many items bought and delivered from amazon
amazon.comYESSeptember 04, 2010PayPal, VISA без проблем, доставка в шипито быстро и без проблем!
amazon.comYESSeptember 03, 2010No problem.
amazon.comYESOctober 31, 2011cool
amazon.comYESOctober 31, 2010Российская visa отлично работает с Амазоном и доставкой на этот американский адрес
amazon.comYESOctober 25, 2010Shipped. Boots EMU.
amazon.comYESOctober 18, 2011No problems with shipping
amazon.comYESOctober 14, 2010No issues.
amazon.comYESOctober 12, 2011No probs
amazon.comYESOctober 07, 2010No problem
amazon.comYESNovember 17, 2010All right
amazon.comYESNovember 02, 2010Fast shipping with Amazon Prime.
amazon.comYESMay 30, 2010ok
amazon.comYESMay 26, 2010ships
amazon.comYESMay 20, 2010No problems
amazon.comYESMay 11, 2011accepts international credit cards!
amazon.comYESMarch 09, 2012No problems
amazon.comYESMarch 08, 2011Both Amazon itself and several sellers from Amazon Marketplace ship here without any problems. Paid with Russian debit Mastercard.
amazon.comYESMarch 08, 2011Ships . Accepts international credit cards and IP
amazon.comYESMarch 03, 2011Ordered for 8 times. All is OK
amazon.comYESJune 25, 2010No problem
amazon.comYESJune 23, 2010All ok )
amazon.comYESJune 14, 2010recorders
amazon.comYESJune 09, 2010works perfect
amazon.comYESJune 07, 2010No problem
amazon.comYESJune 03, 2010No problems.
amazon.comYESJuly 30, 2011No problems.
amazon.comYESJuly 20, 2010Using VISA with Brazilian Address, 3 orders, No PROBLEMS. Fast Ship
amazon.comYESJuly 17, 2011No problem
amazon.comYESJuly 07, 2010works fine
amazon.comYESJanuary 25, 2011Delivered on time.
amazon.comYESJanuary 09, 2011Brazilian CC No problem.I buy a GPS Garmin
amazon.comYESJanuary 07, 2011Just received package
amazon.comYESJanuary 05, 2011No problems. Russian billing address.
amazon.comYESFebruary 19, 2011Без проблем все отсылают
amazon.comYESFebruary 02, 2011No problem, russian bank card.
amazon.comYESDecember 14, 2010Billing from a Vietnamese VISA card and shipping to Torrance. No problem. Thank you ! :)
amazon.comYESDecember 11, 2011No problems
amazon.comYESDecember 09, 2010The order was delivered without any problems!
amazon.comYESDecember 07, 2010Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa E-card (VTB24)
amazon.comYESAugust 30, 2010No problem
amazon.comYESAugust 25, 2011My 149 USD HP Touchpad was sent to this location without hassle, used my Swedish address as billing address.
amazon.comYESAugust 24, 2010Same day delivery
amazon.comYESAugust 23, 2011Ok
amazon.comYESAugust 18, 2010shipped
amazon.comYESApril 04, 2011No problems with, payment with International MasterCard issued in Brazil. Just fill billing address correctly, and fill different shipment address, your Shipito Address.
amazon.deNOFebruary 28, 2012Amazon doesn't ship this address
amazone.comYESDecember 09, 2010Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa Classic (Sberbank)
Animeigo.comYESAugust 28, 2010No Problem - Payment via PayPal 18, 2010Приняли без проблем, отправили наземной почтой - пришло за 4 дня. Не требовалось подтверждения чего-либо.
armaniexchangeYESDecember 09, 2010only USA ip and card
armaniexchange.comYESJune 12, 2010No international CC are accepted even if you do google checkout.
armaniexchange.comYESJune 08, 2011visa usa
AutobarnYESAugust 02, 2011No problem
autopartswarehouse.comYESJune 09, 2010works fine
babiesfirst.comYESOctober 05, 2010message received: You have selected an invalid state/province and country shipping address combination, or No shipping methods were found for your shipping address destination. Please contact us for assistance!
babymallonline.comYESMay 25, 2010kid's goods
BackCountryYESSeptember 28, 2011No problems, Russian card VISA
BackCountryYESSeptember 11, 2010No problem
BackCountryYESSeptember 06, 2010No problems. Fast shipment! Отправили на следующий день после заказа. Дошло за двое суток самой дешёвой почтой (обещали 10-15 дней).
BackCountryYESOctober 13, 2010without any questions!
BackCountryYESNovember 19, 2010No problem. Fast shipment. Fast delivering (2 days on FREE SHIPPING).
BackCountryYESNovember 14, 2011Высылают без проблем. Очень хороший выбор по туристической одежде и аксессуарам. Рекомендую. Бесплатная отсылка идет от 50 долларов.
BackCountryYESMay 24, 2010Ships without problems
BackCountryYESJanuary 31, 2012No Problems at all.
BackCountryYESFebruary 28, 2011All ok, accept russian cards, ship in 2 business days.
BackCountryYESDecember 26, 2010все ок
BackCountryYESDecember 04, 2010No problem
backpackinglight.comYESMarch 16, 2011Russian MasterCard
baldeHQ.comYESNovember 04, 2011No problem.
banana republicNOMay 25, 2010pjli 28, 2010Quality and inexpensive items. No problems with delivery.
bargainsavenue.comYESNovember 20, 2010OK Всё работает :)
bargainsavenue.comYESJune 16, 2010NO problems for payment with foreign CC. Fast Shipping. Need Phone NO.: 310-000-0000 is enough
barnesandnoble.comYESSeptember 28, 2010Nook wifi
barnesandnoble.comYESJuly 25, 2010It shipped to the warehouse without problems. Ordered on July 19, 2010 and delivered to the warehouse on July 24, 2010. I used the free shipping service, total cost for Nook wi-fi only was $163.53.
barnesandnoble.comYESJuly 23, 2010Fast and smooth.
barnesandnoble.comNOJuly 12, 2010Cancelled my Nook order with a comment: "Purchases are limited to those customers physically located in the United States and Canada."
barnesandnoble.comYESJuly 03, 2010When I placed an order, they've asked me to call them and asked if I were aware that I won't be able to buy e-books using Nook from outside the US. Then shipped OK.
barnesandnoble.comYESJuly 02, 2010I have no problem bought the e-reader Nook WiFi. When ordering in the shop asked me to call back to clarify my order. The store to confirm that I am aware of restrictions on the use e-reader outside US. Otherwise, everything was fine.
barnesandnoble.comYESJanuary 27, 20112 раза отправлял, 1 раз не дошло, так как выбрал Air mail.
barnesandnoble.comYESAugust 14, 2010same like most user who commented, order was blocked and been requested to call, but just want to verify that i understand the ebook not available outside US
barnesandnoble.comYESJuly 02, 2010I have no problem bought the e-reader Nook WiFi. When ordering in the shop asked me to call back to clarify my order. The store to confirm that I am aware of restrictions on the use e-reader outside US. Otherwise, everything was fine.
barneys.comNOJuly 14, 2011cancelled order. no acceptance of foreign credit cards
barproducts.comYESAugust 08, 2010ok
bcbg.comYESJune 12, 2010Ships to Torrance, but doesn't accept foreign CC.
beachcamera.comYESMay 03, 2011no problem, Russian Visa/MC
bebe.comYESJune 07, 2010Works
belk.comNOSeptember 02, 2011Need US card and US billing
beltmaster.comYESAugust 23, 2010shipped
BestBuy.comYESMay 03, 2011no problem
bestbuy.comYESJune 09, 2010They sometimes call to verify that you want the package to be sent to that address so make sure you have your phone with you :)
bestbuy.comYESJanuary 18, 2011order completed, adress accepted!
bestbuy.comYESDecember 31, 2010it's ok i recived my package
BestBuy.comNODecember 18, 2010Order cancelled-Billing adress not in usa..
bestbuy.comYESAugust 24, 201199 USD HP TouchPad arrived without any problems. Used the address as billing and shipping address ;-)
bhphotovideo.comYESNovember 07, 2010Two parcels, paid with Visa emmited by russian bank without any problems.
bhphotovideo.comYESJune 25, 2010no problems
bhphotovideo.comYESJuly 22, 2011B&H PhotoVideo - no problems!
bhphotovideo.comYESJanuary 13, 2011Оплатил интернет-картой Приват-банка. Запросили подтверждающие документы - отправил сканы паспорта, водительского удостоверения и принт-скрин окна системы интернетбанкинга. После этого отправили груз.
bhphotovideo.comYESDecember 25, 2010Everything is well! Payed with Master card, shipped to Torrance.
bidz.comYESOctober 28, 2010Shipped without problems
bidz.comYESAugust 06, 2011Пока отправляют.
bikebling.comYESAugust 23, 2010ok
birdsupplynh.comYESSeptember 10, 2010Сами предложили для начала -отправить через Дошло - часть UPS Ground за 7 дней, и USPS за 2 :) Нам бы такую почту :-D
blinds.comYESNovember 10, 2011All good and fantastic cell blinds....
bloomingdales.comYESOctober 31, 2010shipped today - accepted international card
bloomingdales.comNONovember 25, 2010:-(
bloomingdales.comNOFebruary 17, 2011do not accept Russian cards
bloomingdales.comNOAugust 23, 2011The billing address that you have provided does not match your credit card's billing address. You will need to contact your bank to verify this information and place a new order.
boats.netYESMay 13, 2011no problem with orders and shipping, which paid cards with russian billing
bonton.comNOOctober 10, 2010Does not accept russian credit cards
Bradford Exchange OnlineYESMay 09, 2012Shipping to CA, billing - Ukrainian card. no problems.
brooksbrothers.comYESAugust 10, 2010no problem, fast shipping
burton.comNOSeptember 11, 2011Accepts only US cards
Buy.comNOSeptember 04, 2011didnt do it because of my international credit card.. refused to send items..
Buy.comYESJanuary 13, 2011They do not sell to foreign cards, I used checkout the Amazon and the purchase was made smoothly, with Google checkout and paypal Brazilian did not work
BuyCostumes.comYESNovember 05, 2010sent without any problems)
buydig.comNOOctober 30, 2011cancelled (russian MasterCard)
buysnow.comYESSeptember 20, 2010Использовал адрес из Шипито. Увидели, попросили внести реальный адрес. После чего, все -Ок.
buysnow.comYESDecember 26, 2010без проблем
cabelas.comYESSeptember 28, 2011no problems, Russian card
cabelas.comNOMarch 29, 2011Отказ (анулирование заказа) со сылкой на невозможность отправки через freight fowarder товара, не предназначенного для международных пересылок. (Увидели российскую карту и американский адрес).
cabelas.comYESJanuary 17, 2011no problem
calvinklein.comYESJune 09, 2010You need US billing address for your CC. If you place your order from on the website outside the US, the order will be cancelled because of the IP, so do it on the phone :))
Cameta CameraNOMay 12, 2012Even when paying through Amazon Checkout refused on the grounds that: "Unfortunately we were unable to ship to your address for security reasons. We were having too many problems with fraudulent activity in that area. Kind Regards!" (c) Cameta Camera
campmor.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
campmor.comYESApril 25, 2012no problem
Carol Wright GiftsYESNovember 21, 2010They will ship to this address but if you have a foreign credit card just phone in to customer service and they will correct the billing address. They tend to use oversize boxes to pack goods ( mostly clothing) so request minimal packaging to save postage.
Carole Wright GiftsYESOctober 22, 2010Online department store will accept Canadian credit cards by phone order and sent order to Shipito
carpartswholesale.comYESSeptember 14, 2011Provided russian bank's card with american address (shipito) and everything is ok
carsons.comYESOctober 10, 2010Does not accept russian credit cards
carters.comYESSeptember 17, 2010потребовали проверки билинг адреса, на что я им послал скан заграна и пластиковой карты
carters.comYESOctober 10, 2011no probs
carters.comYESOctober 10, 2011no probs
Carters.comYESJuly 16, 2011no problem
carters.comYESDecember 11, 2011no problems
ccs.comYESDecember 06, 2010no problem
chanel.comNOOctober 19, 2010Отказались принимать заказ, но деньги заблокировали.
Cheap Cycle PartsYESAugust 25, 2010ok
childrenplace.comYESJanuary 06, 2012no problem
childrensplaceYESDecember 09, 2010no problems with cards, ip and address
childrensplace.comYESMarch 01, 2011All ok
childrensplace.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
childrensplace.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
childrensplace.comNOAugust 01, 2010Order was cancelled
christianlouboutin.comNOFebruary 24, 2011Will not ship to forwarders
circuitcity.comYESFebruary 18, 2011I had no problem. I guess everything went fine because Paypal has my name and is verified.
circuitcity.comYESAugust 31, 2010Пылесос)
cku.comYESJune 09, 2010You need US billing address for your CC. If you place your order from on the website outside the US, the order will be cancelled because of the IP, so do it on the phone :))
columbia.comNOOctober 30, 2010Не принимают к оплате международные карты неамериканского происхождения!
columbia.comNONovember 07, 2010Do not accept payment from non USA payment card and not USA paypal accounts
complyfoam.comYESJanuary 31, 2011no problems at all with non-US card
compusaNOJune 13, 2011I had a first order shipped last month. Today (June 13), my new order was put on hold. When I called, they say they don't ship to SHIPITO !!!
converse.comNOOctober 15, 2010Didnt accept international cc a cant ship to the shipito.
Converse.comYESOctober 01, 2010Works
converse.comNOMarch 31, 2011Магазин выдвигает следующие требования к оплате картой 1. The credit/bank card (no prepaid Visa, AMEX or MasterCard) used to pay for the shoes is issued on a bank or credit card company located in the US 2. The billing address associated with the credit card is located in the US 3. The merchandise is being shipped to the billing address located in the US Буду пытаться осуществить покупку через шопинг асистенс.
converse.comYESJune 10, 2010works
converse.comYESAugust 28, 2010no problem
converse.comYESAugust 19, 2010Usually ships the same day.
cormialeatherslippers.comYESJanuary 31, 2011no problem at all with non-US card
cost centralNONovember 01, 2011no non-usa credit cards
Costco.comNOJuly 02, 2010Doesn't ship to freight forwarders
costsell.comYESOctober 02, 2010warehouse in Long Beach CA
cozyboots.comNOMarch 10, 2012We are unable to ship to forwarding companies. Order cancelled.
cpap.comYESNovember 19, 2010no problem
crazy8.comYESOctober 18, 2011no problems with shipping
crazy8.comYESMay 20, 2011no problem. Accepted a card with Russian billing.
crazy8.comYESMarch 07, 2011no problems
crazy8.comYESJune 28, 2011no problem with cards or address. Put shipito address as billing address
crazy8.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
crispdeals.comYESSeptember 04, 2011accepted the shipping address hapily.. they support forwarding companies like they asked me on the phone that is it a forwarding address and i said yes and they said ok no problem.. ;) used an iinternation credit card but torrance address as billing..
crispdeals.comYESOctober 22, 2010Accept Paypal, very good prices on electronics
crocs.comYESDecember 12, 2010no problems
crucial.comYESJuly 15, 2011no probs 28, 2010Good English shop shirts, suits and other things. Sent to Shipito without problems. Thus, you save on shipping in Russia.
customaquatics.comYESJuly 24, 2010Shipped with no problem. They recognized that i'm a foreign customer, and instead of accepting my card, emailed and asked me to pay with PayPal. Very positive!
datavis.comYESDecember 06, 2010Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa E-card (VTB24)
davidz.comYESNovember 19, 2010required ID to authorize international credit card, shipped quickly after I sent scanned copies by email.
davisbigandtall.comYESMarch 01, 2011no problems
dcshoes.comYESMay 24, 2011no problem. Accepted a PayPal account with Brazilian billing.
Dcshoes.comYESFebruary 18, 11, 2010do not accept paypal from france 22, 2010does not accept payment fron non us paypal
demonsnow.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problems with shipping, just doesn't accept international credit cards, but you can write shipito address as billing address and comment it :)
denimexpress.comYESDecember 04, 2010Paused order due to international card and asked for card scan/billing statement. After sending one - order processed and all is OK
designbyhumans.comYESAugust 23, 2010shipped
dhstyles.comYESAugust 23, 2010ok
Diapers.comYESOctober 20, 2010ok
diesel.comYESApril 09, 2011no problem
dillards.comYESJune 09, 2010If you have a CC that is issued outside the US but you managed to put a US billing address on file with your bank IT WILL NOT really need a US issued is better to use "assisted purcahses".
directron.netYESOctober 24, 2010Very good prices on computers and accessories. They say they don't accept international cards, but last year I was able to successfully complete an order using Paypal. Highly recommended for those who don't want to spend on consolidation. Everything will be sent in the same package. 01, 2010ok
DogfunkYESNovember 23, 2010Very fast to France !
dogfunk.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
dogfunk.comYESOctober 13, 2010Without any questions. Store is part of
dogfunk.comYESDecember 26, 2010без проблем
dogfunk.comYESDecember 06, 2011Very fast shipping ! ;-)
drJays.comYESSeptember 09, 2010Всё ок
DrJays.comYESAugust 12, 2011no problems
Drugstore.comYESJuly 03, 2010no problem!
drugstore.comYESFebruary 10, 2011everthing ok
E-bayYESJune 28, 2010If you have a high rating, an shipped in most cases without any problems.
eastbay.comNONovember 22, 2011Ровно такая же ситуация как и Если оплатите картой, выпущенной в РФ деньги спишут, заказ примут, а потом напишут что с данными картами не работают. Деньги надо будет разблокировать. PayPal тоже не помошник, т.к. при чекауте с помощью PayPal в магазине подставляется адрес, который указан при регистрации в PayPal (российский). В общем, только покупка через посредника.
eastbay.comYESMay 27, 2011пришлось подтверждать личность.
eastbay.comNOMarch 13, 2011Billing&Shipping Shpt. Decilined order. RU card
eastbay.comYESFebruary 28, 2011no problems. Good value sporting clothes/products.
Eastern Mountain SportsYESNovember 10, 2010accepted paypal, shipped without a problem
ebags.comYESMay 14, 2011no problem
ebags.comYESMarch 01, 2011All ok
ebags.comYESAugust 30, 2010no questions. no problems
ebags.comYESAugust 29, 2010no problem
ebay id expressbuddyYESJune 10, 2010fast shipping
ebay, grapevinehillYESJanuary 19, 2011Оплатил Paypal, привезли Fedex в шипито, всё ровно
eBay.comYESSeptember 04, 2010PayPal, VISA без проблем, доставка в шипито быстро и без проблем!
eBay.comYESNovember 30, 2010For five times without any problems.
eBay.comYESNovember 06, 2010Купил айфон на ebay. Дошло быстро, только шипито упаковали телефон в здоровенную коробку и напхали ваты)))
eBay.comYESJune 09, 2010works great
eBay.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
eBay.comYESDecember 18, 2010Ebay= no problem from canadian order :)
eBay.comNODecember 08, 2011Seller refused to send to mail forwarding company. (Lot was tagged as united states only delivery)
eBay.comYESAugust 29, 2010Vary good at handling nice packing to long distance. Good international delivery. Perfect
eBay.comYESAugust 28, 2010From CA to CA no problems Barnes&NobleYESDecember 21, 2010Barnes&Noble on Refurbished Nook shipped without problem. 29, 2011ok
eddiebauer.comNONovember 27, 2010tried to order twice, but they just ignore the orders and never contact
eddiebauer.comYESDecember 09, 2010no problems with int. ip and CC, but procceding orders with big delay
eddiebauer.comYESDecember 03, 2010I had two orders with them sent to the warehouse in Torrance (paid with a russian CC). They sent them without any problems or additional checks.
edhardy.comYESOctober 26, 2010no problem
edsworkclothes.comYESMay 11, 2011paid via Google checkout
elizabetharden.comYESOctober 26, 2010no problem
ellusionist.comYESSeptember 15, 2011Magician Tricks, Brazilian Visa CC, fast shipping!
endless.comYESSeptember 01, 2010Все ок. До ходит, но долговато.
endless.comYESOctober 23, 2010no problems at all. I just checked out with my amazon credentials.
endless.comYESJune 06, 2010works
endless.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
endless.comYESJanuary 21, 2011accept non-US credit cards
endless.comYESDecember 15, 2010Paid by Credit Card: VISA (Latvia) Shipped by UPS NEXT DAY AIR SAVER (free shipping)
endless.comYESDecember 11, 2010без проблем
endless.comYESDecember 07, 2010no problem
endless.comYESAugust 09, 2010shoe store. no problem
endless.comYESApril 11, 2012no probs!
entirelypets.comYESMay 31, 2010ok
eoutlet4u.comYESMay 25, 2010baby's clothes
espritshop.comYESOctober 12, 2010no problem
espritshop.comYESJanuary 31, 2011no problem
etoys.comNOOctober 10, 2010order cancelled
etoys.comNOAugust 18, 2010order cancelled
etymotic.comYESSeptember 10, 2010Принимают International CC, но совершенно не информируют о заказе, не дают Tracking number. Посылка идет 7 бизнес-дней
everythingkitchens.comNOJanuary 26, 2011Non-US credit card
evga.comYESJuly 28, 2010There you can buy all PC Stuff, Motherboards, GPUs and etc.
evo.comYESOctober 23, 2010Contact them after placing the order and let them know your real billing address since you can only fill an US billing address in the checkout but they accept to fix your billing address by email and complete then complete the payment with your international card.
evo.comYESMarch 21, 2012no problem. При заказе смело вбивается в адрес доставки и на выставление счета штатовский адрес. А потом сообщите им действительный (свой РФ) адрес для выставления счета. Отправления высылают и доходит достаточно быстро. От заказа до получения на все ущла неделя.
evogear.comYESAugust 16, 2010no problem. All staff was shiped in 3 days.
fabric.comYESMarch 07, 2011no problems
fabric.comYESDecember 14, 2010Billing & shipping - shipito
finishline.comYESNovember 09, 2011no problem RU MasterCard. Шлют по одной вещи. Отсылают долго. Берут налог штата. Ассортимент хороший
fleetfarm.comNOApril 11, 2011The Mills Fleet Farm website can not process orders that do not have an United States billing address attached to the credit card.
flex-radio.comYESAugust 30, 2010no problem
forever21.comYESNovember 30, 2010no problema, accept International Visa. Fast ship!
Forever21.comYESJuly 31, 2010smooth and fast
fossil.comYESJune 09, 2010If you have a CC that is issued outside the US but you managed to put a US billing address on file with your bank IT WILL NOT really need a US issued is better to use "assisted purcahses".
foxshop.seeNOn.comNONovember 17, 2010Cannot deliver official merchandise to freight forwarding company :(
fragranceXYESApril 05, 2012Had to send ID & frontside of card
fragranceX.comYESMarch 19, 2012Shop and delivery without any problem.
gap.comYESSeptember 01, 2010no problem
gap.comYESOctober 18, 2011with appr 10% tax.
gap.comYESMay 22, 2010GAP shipp to this location
gap.comYESMarch 07, 2011no problems
gap.comYESJune 28, 2010Excellent e-shop. Quality and inexpensive things. no problems with delivery.
gap.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
gap.comYESJuly 24, 2010I specified in billing address the Shipito address (although the actual one is different) and it worked out. Phone code and number were my actual, but the country code was obviously american one :-) Works well!
gap.comYESJanuary 28, 2011accepts non-us cards and ships to shipito
gap.comYESJanuary 27, 2011More then 10 shipping never problem at all.
gap.comYESJanuary 22, 2011Everything ok, and still used the cash back from, a wonder this site Ebates. Shipito as billing address even if not
gap.comYESAugust 24, 2010ok
gap.comYESAugust 05, 2010no problem
gap.comYESAugust 05, 2010no problem
gargyle.comYESNovember 18, 2010ok
GbyGuessYESAugust 22, 2010Проблемы с русским биллингом, после объяснения послыка отправлена в шипито
geartrade.comNONovember 22, 2010Do not accept payment from non USA payment card and not USA paypal accounts
gemstoneking.comYESSeptember 04, 2010Доставка в Шипито, РФ. Гарантия качества, хорошие цены, огромный ассортимент, скидки.
gemstoneking.netYESMay 03, 2011no problem
getzs.comYESDecember 23, 2010shipping without problems
gillyhicks.comNOJune 24, 2010The shop does not ship to this location.
gilt.comYESDecember 30, 2010no problems. Use shipito as a billing address.
gilt.comYESNovember 04, 2011Works fine. Use Shipito address for shipping and billing.
gilt.comYESApril 11, 2012shipping- usa, billing- actual adress
glassesetc.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problems with shipping, just doesn't accept international credit cards with shipping in the USA.
google storeNOMay 24, 2010nexus one
Google Store ( 14, 2010Nexus one - ordered and shipped very smoothly, no hassles.
grapevinehill.comYESOctober 28, 2010no problem. Always free shipping via FedEx ground.
gucci.comNOJuly 06, 2011US issued credit card only. Will not accept an International credit card.
guess.comYESJune 09, 2010works
guitarcenter.comYESJune 07, 2011Paypal не проходит. C RU картами проблем нет.
gymboree.comYESOctober 10, 2011no probs
gymboree.comYESMay 20, 2011no problem. Accepted a card with Russian billing.
gymboree.comYESMarch 26, 2011no problem
gymboree.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
haggar.comNONovember 29, 2011деньги блокируют при заказе, но через пару дней приходит письмо, что русские карты не принимаются и русские ip блокируются
haggars.comYESMarch 01, 2011All good
haircarechoices.comYESJanuary 06, 2012no problem
halalco.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
hanes.comNOSeptember 23, 2011Dont know what is the problem. Just canceled order. Ukrainian card shipito address
Hanes.comYESOctober 05, 2010Отправили без вопросов. Billing и Shipping адреса - адрес Shipito
hanes.comNOJuly 26, 2011can't charge international credit card
Hanes.comYESJanuary 22, 2011no problems. Accept non-US CC
hannaandersson.comYESNovember 21, 2011Russian card, Russian billing address. Customer support emailed to ask my bank's name and phone number. no problems. Биллинг адрес указала настоящий. Запросили по имейлу название и телефон банка, в котором открыта карточка, после ответа все выслали без проблем.
hardcandycases.comYESJanuary 12, 2011Without any problems
hautelookNOFebruary 18, 2011decilined RU card. Took 1 USD for each attempt of payment
hautelookYESJune 12, 2011Was able to pay with an american VISA card only. Received my package in Torrance, California without any problem.
hautelookYESNovember 04, 2011Doesn't accept russian mastercard and visa credit cards. But ships to shipito if you pay with a US credit card or a US paypal account
HBOShop.comNOAugust 15, 2011They cancelled my order saying this address is a forward mail company, so they can't ship it there.
headphone.comYESFebruary 04, 2011Everything is ok with Russian card
Hilton's tent cityYESDecember 02, 2011np
hockeymonkey.comYESMay 24, 2010They can call or email you just to if the billing address is different than shipping address.
HollisterNOMay 23, 2010Hollister don't ship to this location.
Hollister, AbercrombieNOMay 22, 2010Cancel orders, "don't ship to freight forwarding companies".
hollisterco.comNOMay 30, 2010Same as abercrombie, order cancelled within 4 hours
hollisterco.comNOMay 27, 2010They do not ship to forwarders
hollisterco.comNOMay 06, 2011We do not ship to international, freight forwarder, APO, FPO, or P.O. Box addresses."
hollisterco.comNOFebruary 19, 2011Отказ отправки из за использования адреса третьих лиц.В Россию отправляют на прямую без проблем.
hollisterco.comYESDecember 01, 2011no problem
hollisterco.comNOAugust 16, 2010order cancelled
HP.comNOJanuary 05, 2011They will only ship to a residential addressinside the 48 contiguos states. They wil NOT ship to Torrance or Tualatin!
hsn.comNOJune 30, 2011no shipping to freight forwarding services
hubandbearingwarehouse.comYESSeptember 04, 2010Отличные цены, огромный ассортимент, доставка в шипито и в Россию. PayPal, VISA. Promotion codes
Hugo BossNOFebruary 09, 2011Do not ship and do not even take orders....
iamshaman.comYESJanuary 27, 2011no restriction to this destination
ibexsports.comYESMay 29, 2010Perfect!
ideel.comYESMay 11, 2011accepts US credit cards
ideel.comYESSeptember 09, 2011Accepts russian credit cards (VISA and Mastercard). Ships to Torrance without any problem.
ideel.comYESJanuary 06, 2012no problem with russian billing
ideel.comYESApril 17, 2012shipping
idontlikemondays.usYESOctober 18, 2010no problem
indiemerchstore.comYESJune 02, 2010t-shirts and more
infashionkids.comYESJanuary 07, 2011no problem. Delivery at 2 days on lower price shipping.
inhousepharmacy.comYESJune 01, 2010health products
ipdusa.comYESJune 05, 2010no problem
irobot.comYESSeptember 22, 2010no problem whatsoever
irobot.comYESOctober 12, 201107/20/11 shipito as shipping addr., real russian CC billing addr. as billing one.
irobot.comNODecember 20, 2010Order canceled
irobot.comNODecember 04, 2010I haven't luck with that store. They've cancelled my order due to international card (emitted by russian bank) and non-US IP-adress I've placed order from.
J&RYESMarch 10, 2011OK
jackthreads.comYESDecember 16, 2011Russian card, shipito billing adress.
janieandjack.comYESMay 11, 2011no problem
jcp.comYESMay 24, 2010Ships without problems
jcp.comYESJuly 08, 2010I've never experienced any problem prurchasing in this store.
JCPenneyYESJune 25, 2010Заказал несколько штук Levis и попал на банковскую проверку биллинг-адреса.Притом что адрес Шипито забит у меня в качестве дополнительного на карте.Пришлось звонить в банк,заказывать подтверждающее письмо,отправлять в JCPenney и только после этого отправили.Доставка по США заняла 3 недели из-за этого.А,вот еще-у этих товарищей в JCPenney почта автоматом рубит все вложения в еmail,замучался я им это письмо отправлять
JCPenney.comYESSeptember 18, 2010Прочитал историю Maxim Latyshev который покупал в JCPenney. А у меня был другой случай. Покупка тоже затянулась. Я позвонил по Skype в JCP, очень классно медленно и четко оператор общался со мной на англйском (при том, что я говорю на троечку), запросили у меня телефон моего банка (благо у Райффайзена горячая линия круглосуточная), тут же на холде девушка позвонила в мой банк, ей подтвердили мой биллинг адрес в России по карте и покупка прошла. Дальше заморочек не было. Все проплачивалось в течение 1-2 рабочих дней автоматом. Отличный магаз с дешево очень качественной одеждой.
JCPenney.comYESJanuary 04, 2011no problem :)
jcrew.comYESJuly 06, 2011Initially didn't work with International Credit Card. Needed to speak to Customer Service who then made changes on their payment gateway which allowed me to make purchase with International credit card. This unfortunately needs to be done manually every time but it works.
jensonusa.comYESOctober 13, 2010without any questions! Online supplier for mountain bikes, road bikes, bicycle parts, and accessories.
jinx.comYESDecember 17, 2010Very FAST!!!!
jockey.comYESJuly 15, 2011no probs
jr.comYESSeptember 17, 2011no problem
jr.comYESMay 03, 2011no problem, Russian Visa/MC
JR.comYESDecember 01, 2011ok
jr.comYESDecember 01, 2010-
junkfoodclothing.comYESFebruary 22, 2011no problem
Karmaloop.comYESSeptember 04, 2010все оки, промо коды, наши карты, быстрая доставка
karmaloop.comYESOctober 14, 2010no issues.
karmaloop.comYESOctober 02, 2010бесплатная доставка - ок. 5 дней до CA
karmaloop.comYESAugust 23, 2010shiped
keh.comYESJune 25, 2010no problems
Keh.comYESAugust 03, 2011no problems
kennethcole.comNONovember 26, 2010Cancelled order due to problems with foreign billing address
kennethcole.comNOJune 13, 2011card was not accepted
kentwang.comYESJuly 06, 2011no issue with site. Worked well and recieved items promptly.
kipling-usa.comYESJanuary 31, 2011They don't accept Non-US cards, but if you use Google Checkout - everything is OK.
kmart.comYESNovember 29, 2011Everything is ok, I set billing address same as shipping.
kneedraggers.comNOJune 23, 2010The shop does not ship to this location. Sorrowly.
kohl's.comNOOctober 22, 2010russian cards
kohlsYESDecember 09, 2010only USA CC
kohls.comYESOctober 05, 2011Rejected my russian debit cards (VISA and Mastercard). Accepted my USA credit card and shipped to this warehouse.
kohls.comYESJanuary 06, 2012perfect
konasports.comYESJune 27, 2011You have to put a USA telephone number
ktm-parts.comYESNovember 19, 2010Works fine
LacosteYESMay 22, 2010Ошибка:511
lancome-usa.comYESOctober 29, 2010no problem
landsend.comYESJuly 06, 2011no issue with Internation CC and with shipping to Torrance. Very quick!
lastcall.comYESJuly 15, 2011Neiman Marcus outlet. Verified my foreign CC by telephone with card issuer for first order. Shipped to Torrance without any problems. Got some great deals, sometimes up to 80% off retail price.
leapfrog.comYESAugust 10, 2010ok
lee.comNOSeptember 24, 2010Does not accept foreign credit cards or phone numbers.
LeisurePro.comYESSeptember 28, 2011no problems, Russian card virtual MasterCard
LLBeanYESSeptember 21, 2011Никаких проблем
llbean.comYESJuly 06, 2011no issue with Internation CC and with shipping to Torrance. Very quick!
lockerzYESOctober 29, 2010Fast shipping! :)
LockerzYESMay 25, 2010Ships! :)
lordandtaylorYESDecember 09, 2010only USA ip and CC accepted
lovecultureYESDecember 11, 2010no problem with int.CC and ip
luggage.comYESMay 09, 2011OK
luggageguru.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problems with shipping, just doesn't accept international credit cards, but you can write shipito address as billing address :)
LuggagePros.comYESMarch 07, 2011works
maccosmetics.comNOSeptember 10, 2010Отменили мой заказ, сказали, что не принимают не американские карты.
maccosmetics.comYESJune 12, 2010Accepts foreign CC, but it took about a week after the payment to have my first order shipped. Second one - lightning fast.
macys.comNOSeptember 02, 2011Need US card and US billing
macys.comNOMay 18, 2011I've recieved the message on registration - 'c/o is not allowed in adress field'
macys.comNOMay 11, 2011doesn't ship even if you pay with a US credit card
macys.comYESJune 12, 2010Works well, but you have to use assisted purchase, didn't accept an international CC.
macys.comYESJanuary 07, 2011no problem
macys.comNOFebruary 16, 2011do not accept Russian cards, but hold the sum on the account for about 2 weeks
macys.comNODecember 09, 2010blocks all orders
maidenform.comNOMarch 04, 2011Have ceased to accept the Russian cards.
marciano.comYESJune 09, 2010works
mattel.comNOSeptember 15, 2010Order has been cancelled
mcmaster.comNOJune 29, 2010this address does not work for here
meijer.comNOMay 11, 2011doesn't accept my orders even with a US credit card
midwayusa.comNOJuly 30, 2010Unable to ship to this address.
mikebo.comYESSeptember 04, 2010отличные цены на автозапчасти, доставка в шипито и РФ, быстро и б/проблем.
milosport.comYESAugust 09, 2010Error like: billing address does not match the shipping address
missm.caNOApril 04, 2011оплата только через paypal, но платёж не проходит. удалось осуществить покупку только с помощью "посредника покупок"
mjrsales.comYESJanuary 06, 2012no problem
MonopriceYESJuly 30, 2011no problems, everything went well.
moosejaw.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
moosejaw.comYESOctober 31, 2010no problem, but card verification is required
moosejaw.comNONovember 19, 2010trades been blocked by moosejaw!!!
moosejaw.comYESMay 31, 2010everything is fine
moosejaw.comYESDecember 07, 2010no problem
motorcycle-superstore.comYESJune 23, 2010They do not accept internationall credit cards!. But this can be worked around by using a pay pal account.
mountaingear.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
mountainsports.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
mpex.comYESDecember 25, 2010Everything is well! Payed with Master card, shipped to Torrance.
music123.comYESAugust 08, 2010great music instuments store, by the way
musiciansdiscountwarehouse.comYESNovember 13, 2010Отправили быстро . Радуют цены .. [Sent quickly. Pleased with the price ..]
musiciansfriend.comYESFebruary 25, 2011Used paypal.
musiciansfriend.comNOFebruary 02, 2011RU card не прокатывает
MyLeather.comYESOctober 28, 2011no problem
nailetc.comYESAugust 08, 2011Brazilian CC, no problems. Delivery and Support delayed, but functioned!
nasbar.comNONovember 21, 20102972 columbia st is blacklisted on their system. store does not ship to
nashbar.comNOJune 30, 2011no shipping to freight forwarding services
NataliaNONovember 25, 2010:-(
nautica.comNOMay 11, 2011doesn't ship even if you pay with a US credit card
net-a-porter.comYESMay 26, 2010not shipping expensive items.
net-a-porter.comNOMarch 18, 2011Refused to ship, said they don't ship to any freight-forwarding address.
new.merchnow.comYESJanuary 25, 2011доставляют!
newegg.comNOSeptember 07, 2010They do not accept orders from international IP addresses
newegg.comNOOctober 22, 2010They would send if I payed with US Visa
newegg.comYESMay 22, 2010Free UPS delivery doesn't work for now, your order will be canceled. Their tech support says the problem is on UPS side - so use FedEx only! And with added CA sales tax it's almost a Nonsense.
newegg.comYESMay 03, 2011no problem
newegg.comYESJune 04, 2010no problem
newegg.comYESDecember 07, 2011Non-US cards are not accepted, Paypal works fine. UPS delivery issue is fixed now. Российские карты напрямую не принимает, через палку - спокойно.
nextdirect.comNOJanuary 28, 2011Non-US resident
nflshop.comNOOctober 26, 2010Cancelled order without explanation 27, 2010Долго пытались созвониться, в итоге все выяснили что я реален ) адрес реален ) Никто ничего не говорил про фрайт форвардинг компани... однако устал и отменил заказ. Long called up! All found out, nobody spoke about freight forwarding company. I was tired cancelled the order.
NikeId.comNOOctober 17, 2011Declined to ship my purchase to It is mentioned as restricted adress.
Niketown.comNOOctober 17, 2011Declined to ship my purchase to It is mentioned as restricted adress.
Nordstorm.comYESFebruary 17, 2011no problems, accept russian cards
Nordstrom.comYESMay 27, 2011ok
Nordstrom.comYESJune 12, 2010Easy payment and fast shipping! International CC - YES.
Nordstrom.comYESJune 07, 2010Works
Nordstrom.comYESAugust 12, 2011no problem
nurturemybody.comYESSeptember 15, 2010no hesitation from them.Those products are also good one.They are also offering coupon codes for new customers
o2gearshop.comNOOctober 23, 2010They do not process any international card. You have to use assisted purchase.
oakleyvault.comNOJuly 02, 2010Attempted an assisted purchase, but the order was delayed and finally canceled three weeks later due to the address. Information relayed by Shipito staff who attended to my assisted purchase.
obenaufs.comYESOctober 07, 2010no problem 08, 2011ok 28, 2010Excellent e-shop. no problems with delivery. 16, 2010no problems for payment with foreign CC. Fast Shipping. Need Phone no.: 310-000-0000 is enough 01, 2010ok 04, 2011no problem i use andress shipito billing ,with credit card brasilian 12, 2010без проблем 11, 2011no problems
Onestepahead.comYESNovember 11, 2010Без проблем приняли платёж и отправили.
onlineshoes.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem with shipping, just doesn't accept international credit cards
opticplanet.comNOApril 19, 2011they know this adress is a freight forwarder
oregonknifeshop.comYESDecember 24, 2010Без проблем
orientwatchusa.comYESNovember 23, 2010good shopping
originalpenguin.comYESMay 18, 2011no problem, accept international cards, parcels delivered within 5 business days.
orvis.comYESSeptember 04, 2010PayPal, VISA без проблем, доставка в шипито быстро и без проблем! Скидки!
overstock.comNOSeptember 18, 2010Do not accept Non-US cards. :(( А магазин хороший между прочим.
overstock.comNOOctober 19, 2010Заблокировали деньги два раза!!!! А написали, что заказ не прошел. Что теперь делать незнаю.
overstock.comNONovember 12, 2011Order cancelled due to US shipping address and Non-US credit card.
overstock.comYESMarch 26, 2011Не прнимают карты русских банков, деньги блокируют при чекауте, потом уже говрят, что не отправляют в "эту страну". При попытке оплаты через PayPal также говорят, что не доставляют в "эту страну". Удалось заказать только через "Помошника покупок"
PanamaYESMay 26, 2010-
paragonsports.comNONovember 11, 2010Отменили заказ без уведомления (сам узнавал статус заказа). Причина: "we do not accept International Cards/Orders as per our website". Сумма заказа, тем не менее, authorизована, завтра буду звонить в Сбербанк, снимать authorизацию.
paula'schoice.comYESJuly 12, 2011no problem, take russian card and sent to Torrance 17, 2011Accept russian cards
PayPalYESMay 23, 2010Error notice: "The system does not allow you to ship to this address. Please select another shipping address.
pendleton-usa.comYESNovember 20, 2010Had to order via phone to pass foreign billing addres for foreign credit card.
peterglenn.comYESOctober 12, 2010sports wear (Burton, 686, Spyder), shoes child and adult they will ask your real billing adress by email.
peterglenn.comYESMarch 19, 2012Yes Non-US credit card - Yes, with loop verification
pgestore.comNOAugust 23, 2010Rejected Non-us credit card
pilotwear.comYESJanuary 25, 2011Accept Non-US credit cards. Ship to forwarding address in Torrance. no any problems.
piperlimeYESMarch 10, 2011ok 16, 2010Billing adress - shipito, phone as once mentioned 310-000-0000
pleasuresports.comYESOctober 18, 2010I used UPS Ground and USPS delivery for different packages. no problem in both cases.
polo.comYESDecember 04, 2010Successfully purchased from
princetonwatches.comYESJanuary 20, 20111st use of Princeton Watches and Shipito and I'll be back again to use both. A+ experience. Thanks 27, 2011не прошла карта
promgirl.comYESJune 09, 2010works great
puma.comNOJuly 06, 2011no luck with International Credit Cards.
pumpkinpatchusa.comNOJanuary 29, 2011If I had a US credit card I think it would work well.
quadratec.comYESJune 05, 2010works
qvc.comYESDecember 05, 2011no problem with order
radioresearch.usYESJune 14, 2010Even with a foreign billing address.
raindesigninc.comYESSeptember 15, 2010Brought an ilap(macbook pro`s cooling stand).They are willing to ship to this location.A best product to use
RalphLauren.comNOSeptember 22, 2010"Sorry, we cannot process your order"
RalphLauren.comYESOctober 19, 2010You still have to use a US credit card
RalphLauren.comYESMay 22, 2010It works.
RalphLauren.comYESMarch 11, 2011Ok
RalphLauren.comYESMarch 01, 2011no issues
RalphLauren.comYESJune 05, 2010Shipped for sure a couple of months ago.
RalphLauren.comNOJune 03, 2010They don't ship to the address.
RalphLauren.comNOJuly 13, 2010"We regret to inform you that we are unable to complete your order. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience." вот уроды
RalphLauren.comYESJuly 08, 2010no problem with this store at all.
RalphLauren.comYESJanuary 26, 2011Enviou no mesmo dia do pagamento, sem problemas nenhum.
RalphLauren.comNOJanuary 17, 2011"Our records indicate that this order has been cancelled. As we have experienced previous issues successfully delivering packages to this location, we are unable to ship orders to this address. You are welcome to place a new order to be shipped to a different address."
RalphLauren.comYESFebruary 24, 2011Won't directly accept international credit cards, but OK if you use the same card via Paypal.
RalphLauren.comYESFebruary 23, 2011All ok
RalphLauren.comYESDecember 09, 2010but only with USA ip and CC
RalphLauren.comNODecember 02, 2010This store doesn't process any orders created with Non-american credit cards or from Non-american IPs.
RalphLauren.comNOAugust 25, 2010Doesn't ship to forwarders
RalphLauren.comNOApril 11, 2012will not ship to forwarder
Ray-BanNOMarch 08, 2012Shipping to freight forwarders against their policy.
realcyclist.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
redrivercatalog.comYESMarch 20, 2011
rmsautoparts.comYESMarch 18, 2012there were no problems
Road Runner SportsYESDecember 29, 2010They will ship to Torrance
roadrunnersports.comYESJuly 02, 2010Everything was fine.
Rock&RepublicYESJuly 25, 2011no problem
rockauto.comYESOctober 27, 2010shipped without problems.
rockauto.comYESMay 27, 2010This store ship to this location
Rockauto.comYESMarch 18, 2012there were no problems
rockauto.comYESJune 05, 2010works
rockcreek.comNOFebruary 04, 2011российские карты не принимают
rockymountaintrail.comYESAugust 14, 2011ok
ruelala.comYESOctober 29, 2010no problem
ruelala.comYESJune 09, 2010works
ruelala.comYESOctober 25, 2011works fine with a russian credit card
runningwarehouse.comYESFebruary 22, 2011Russian card, no problems.
saks.comYESAugust 10, 2010no problem
saltworks.usYESJanuary 30, 2011no problem! Billing&shipping shipito. RU card.
saltypeaks.comYESNovember 24, 2010ok. оплата через westernunion. русские кредитки не принимают.
scottevest.comNOAugust 16, 2010We do not accept credit cards from not U.S.
sears.comNOOctober 08, 2010order was canceled The problem is billing addres
seees.comYESNovember 24, 2010fast!
sephora.comNONovember 29, 2010Didn't accepted International Credit Cards from other countries
sephora.comNOMay 26, 2010I bought a product online and after investigating why the order could't be processed, the lady told me this address was blocked as forwarder.
sephora.comYESJune 09, 2010When i placed the order online it was cancelled by the system because of the IP (i'm outside the US). I placed the order over the phone and it was again cancelled because of the address (the Torrance address is on a 'black list' because in the past some people used it for fraud). Some of the agents know how to place the order but just a is better to send the package to the LasVegas address!
sephora.comYESDecember 01, 2010I was living in Hong Kong and my credit card was accepted and the address in Torrance is not banned.
sephra.comYESFebruary 02, 2011Российская карта. Отправляют без проблем.
SharkStores (DiamondShark)YESFebruary 25, 2011No problem, used non-US credit card to pay.
SharkStoresYESDecember 27, 2011Made multiple orders using Russian debit/credit card. Got all my orders without any problem.
SharkStoresYESApril 17, 2012Used shipito address for shipping and billing. Although it was my 10th order, they requested with the same debit card and the same address, they requested me to provide an ID and a scan of my debit card. Shipped the order after that.
sheplers.comYESOctober 07, 2010no problem
sheplers.comNOMay 24, 2010sheplers send one package to me, i want more - it say - we don't ship to this address because we have chargeback . send to memphis . I lost my discount from it (10-20 usd) .
sheplers.comYESJune 25, 2010Без вопросов, после проверки документов при первой покупке. В Россию Levi's не отправляют и сапоги из экзотики. Только через Shipito !
sheplers.comYESJuly 29, 2010All works perfectly!
sheplers.comYESFebruary 20, 2011no problems
sheplers.comYESDecember 05, 2010no problem shipped by UPS
sheplers.comYESDecember 04, 2010Принимают русские карты, отсылают быстро. It's OK!
Shirt.Woot.comYESMay 27, 2010never had any problem
shoebacca.comYESMay 30, 2010ok
shoebuy.comYESOctober 23, 2010no problems! I just checked out with paypal.
shoebuy.comYESJanuary 25, 2011They ship to Australia anyway, but used my shipito address to consolidate postage. Must use credit card, with paypal site won't give free shipping within US.
shoemetro.comYESNovember 03, 2010quick, no problem
shoes.comNOOctober 23, 2010They canceled my order without any explaination.
shoes.comNOOctober 16, 2010doesn't send to PO Boxes. The order was canceled.
shoesbuy.comYESOctober 10, 2010no problem
shoezoo.comYESJune 09, 2010works
shop.adidas.comYESMay 24, 2011no problem. Accepted a PayPal account with Brazilian billing.
shop.lacoste.comYESSeptember 15, 2011no problems :)
shop.lacoste.comYESApril 06, 2012no problem. Russian CC. Billing - Russia, shipping - Torrance
shop.leNOvo.comYESDecember 27, 2011no problems 04, 2011Только американские карты, Деньги подвешивают на месяц в холд.
shop.pacsun.comNOOctober 20, 2011cancelled
shop.puma.comNOOctober 28, 2011Do not ship to freight forwarders 20, 2010Заполнял биллинг-адрес адресом из Шипито. (Спорт-товары Mizuno)
shop.thumpertalk.comYESNovember 19, 2010Works fine
shopadidas.comYESJune 02, 2010no hastles, even with "c/o Eastbiz Corp" included in the postal address.
shopadidas.comNOAugust 13, 2011Charged my card, but then rejected my order. Took me a month to get my money back.
shopbop.comYESJanuary 17, 2011Also accepts Non-US credit cards
shopbyus.comYESJuly 21, 2010You can pay with Google Checkout and ship to your Shipito address with no problems. Everything went fine!
shopecko.comNOSeptember 17, 2010Do not accept Non-US cards:(
shopecko.comYESMay 19, 2011no Problem. Pay with Brazilian PayPal Account. Fast Delivery (one day) only US$ 19,00
shopecko.comYESApril 20, 2011no problems with as Brazilian Visa CC !! The first order is slow to aproved, the next is very fast!
shopfujitsu.comYESJanuary 17, 2011Without any problems.
shoptommyNOSeptember 14, 2010Order was cancelled.
shoptommy.comYESNovember 26, 2010все прошло хорошо :)
shoptommy.comNOMay 22, 2010Tommy Hilfiger online store stopped shipping to Torrance addresses
shoptommy.comYESAugust 23, 2010shipped well. Recieved last order Aug-12th
shopxtreme.comYESOctober 28, 2011no Problem
Shoreline TahoeYESJuly 18, 2010Shipped GNU snowboard and Burton bindings/boots with Australian billing address
SidewinderNOSeptember 27, 2010They do not accept foreign credit card or phone abroad.
sierrasnowboard.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
sierratradingpost.comYESOctober 17, 2011self billing address and shipito address
sierratradingpost.comYESNovember 24, 2010Приняли Визу из СНГ без проблем. Единственное, что пришлось сделать - в биллинге указать штат Аляску.
sierratradingpost.comYESNovember 12, 2011Payment with US Banc card. Но можно договориться. У меня получилось.
sierratradingpost.comYESMay 20, 2010shipping without any problem
sierratradingpost.comYESMarch 01, 2011no issues
sierratradingpost.comYESDecember 24, 2010Приняли без проблем. Платил через Google Checkout
silvershake.comYESJune 23, 2010If you want flat shipping with low cost (3 USD), you can send to shipito via Thai AirMail and paid via PayPal.
sizzix.comYESJanuary 06, 2012no problem
skatewarehouse.comNOJune 27, 2011They never ship to forwarding address
skechers.comYESJune 14, 2010Ship to torrence, dificult to put the credit card information because only have the US states
SkincarerxYESJune 02, 2010cosmetics
Skinstore.comYESAugust 14, 2010no problems, real billing adress.
SkiproYESMarch 25, 2011no problem
skis.comYESSeptember 06, 2010OK
skis.comNOJuly 18, 2010Declined: The transaction resulted in an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder
SkyGeek.comYESAugust 14, 2011ok
snowpeak,comYESMarch 16, 2011Russian MasterCard
soap.comYESAugust 23, 2010shipped. Payed via PayPal
somethingstore.comYESOctober 02, 2010funny store, takes up to 5 days to CA
sonystyle.comNOSeptember 14, 2010no to ship to freight forwarding companies.
sonystyle.comYESNovember 20, 2010Yes! But you should be able to dance with tambourine. Because they can't sent to mailforwarding adress as they say. Really today i see that my order in shipito warehouse. It big surprise for me.
sonystyle.comNONovember 09, 2010no longer able to ship to freight forwarding companies
sonystyle.comNOMarch 07, 2011It`s thair сorporate policy - "do not send to forwarding companies"
sonystyle.comNOJuly 29, 2010no to ship to freight forwarding companies.
sonystyle.comNOJanuary 17, 2011They are no longer able to ship to freight forwarding companies.
sonystyle.comNOJanuary 17, 2011They are no longer able to ship to freight forwarding companies. USANOJuly 08, 2010Address is banned
Sorel.comNOOctober 28, 2010Shipping and billing addresses were shipito, order canceled, waiting for refund
Sparco.comYESAugust 19, 2010Great place to buy Nokia Phones.
ssense.comYESDecember 03, 2010They ship. They request an additional confirmation that card is yours and then ship without problems.
stevemadden.comYESMay 25, 2010Does the store ship to this location ?
stevemadden.comYESJune 07, 2010Works
stevemadden.comYESJanuary 21, 2011accept Non-US credit cards 23, 2010iPad has been delivered to Shipito with no problem. 15, 2010iPad order has been cancelled by Apple 09, 2010Order has been sent, but then cancelled and my iPad is on the way back to the store :( 03, 2010iPad 01, 2010Сюда все доходит нормально и уходит. Уже три посылки пришли 12, 2010They say they don't send to Freight Forwarders. 05, 2010New iPod nano was delivered without any problems 28, 2010they cancel order and says they do not ship to forwarders 15, 2011Анулировали заказ, ссылаясь на то, что не отправляют на адреса посредников 13, 2011cancelled 11, 2011"We are unable to complete your order. We do not ship to international, freight forwarder, APO, FPO, or P.O. Box addresses." 04, 2010np 07, 2010rejected to ship to this address, did several attempts 13, 2011Cancelled recent iPad order due to mail-forwarding address. 27, 2011Apple doesn't ship to mail-forwarding address 16, 2010Need Personal address or business address in US and USE ONLY AMERICAN BANK PAYMENTS! 25, 2010Cancelled recent iPad order due to mail-forwarding address. A handful of previous orders shipped no problem& 15, 2010Freight Forwarders: We do not ship to Freight Forwarders. Therefore your order has been cancelled.
store.glennz.comYESDecember 06, 2010Order was shipped via UPS 3Day Select without any problems. Paid with PayPal 18, 2010Заблокировали деньги и не прислали подтверждения заказа. Попросили позвонить. Девушка не очень хорошо поняла что я от нее хочу. В итоге предложила сделать еще один заказ и отказалась посылать факс в мой банк чтобы разблокировать деньги. Со вторым заказом тоже самое. Просят позвонить чтобы подтвердить заказ, а в итоге не могут этого сделать. 09, 2010They don't accept foreign credit card. 02, 2010no problem 04, 2010Хорошие цены, но does not accept payment from Non us PayPal! 13, 2010works perfect 08, 2010Payment accepted (MasterCard, Russia), delivered without any problems (Shipito Torrance address)
summitracing.comYESJune 16, 2010does not ship every part to CA (emission control?), does not ship cans under pressure per air freight. no problems for payment with foreign CC. Fast Shipping. Need phone no.: 310-000-0000 is enough
summitracing.comYESFebruary 25, 2011All OK
sunnysports.comNOMarch 27, 2012Платил через Гугл Чекаут.Всегда и везде прокатывало.Шиппинг и биллинг как есть.Но эти уперлись рогом.Помогать выдернуть заблокированные на 30 дней бабки не желают.
swarovski.comYESJanuary 11, 2011Have had packages sent
swell.comYESFebruary 23, 2011All ok
tactics.comYESJune 09, 2010Without any questions
tactics.comYESDecember 26, 2010доставляют
target.comYESMay 13, 2011no problem
target.comYESJuly 16, 2011no problem
target.comYESDecember 07, 2010no problem
target.comYESAugust 02, 2010Ships very fast
The HouseYESJuly 18, 2010Shipped Burton pants and gloves with Australian billing address
The HouseYESAugust 22, 2010Shipped a snowboard, had to call and explain the situation with the billing address being different. 4 days in route to location.
the-house.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problems with shipping just doesn't accept international credit cards and terrible customer service
The-house.comYESOctober 23, 2010They ask you to fill International Authorization Form through Echosign and you can order with your international card.
the-house.comNONovember 19, 2010Возникли проблемы с процессированием операции на их стороне. Ждал возврата 11 дней. Советую не связываться если Вам дорого время
the-house.comYESFebruary 01, 2011no problem.
the-house.comYESDecember 12, 201010 задержки при обработке заказа. объясняли проблемами биллинга. но деньги сняли исправно и через 2 недели отправили таки заказ в торранс. ok.
theartofshaving.comYESAugust 23, 2010shipped. Entered Torrance as billing adress as well
thechildrenswearoutlet.comNOJune 01, 2010Order was cancelled
theflip.comNOOctober 10, 2010cancelled we experienced difficulty in obtaining the proper authorization.
theshoemart.comYESDecember 15, 2010Paid by Google Checkout Shipped by FedEx (free shipping)
thetannery.comNODecember 18, 2010Shipping to billing address within country only
ThinkGeek.comYESJune 10, 2010Just need ID and Credit Card scan for first order. Accepts Russian ID and CC.
thinkgeek.comYESJune 01, 2010stuff of smart masses
threadless.comYESOctober 11, 2011Payment accepted (VISA, Russia), delivered without any problems (Shipito Torrance address)
TiffanyNOOctober 14, 2011They do not deliver goods with the help of 3rd parties, as they have their representative in Moscow - Mercury.
TiffanyNOJanuary 08, 2011They will not ship to forwarding addresses!
TiffanyNOApril 27, 2011Не доставляют в Шипито
Tiffany & CoNOJanuary 13, 2011I quote: "We would like to inform you that we are unable to continue immediate processing of your recent order, as we are unable to ship to the address that was provided."
tiffany.comYESOctober 22, 2010Relatively inexpensive jewelry delivered quickly and without problems.
tigerdirectYESJanuary 26, 2011no problem with Kazakhstan billing address
tigerdirectNOJanuary 20, 2011I try use paypal Brasilian , they not acept ship the order .The problem was with my andress diferent in paypal .
tigerdirect.comYESJune 04, 2010no problem
tillys.comYESAugust 06, 2010no problem
timberland.comNOOctober 22, 2010computer should be in US
timberland.comNOMay 11, 2011doesn't accept my order even with a US credit card
timberland.comYESJanuary 25, 2011no problem, used Non-US credit card to pay.
timberland.comNONovember 02, 2011Need a US IP address (freeware HotspotShield and SecurityKiss Tunntel won't work) and a US credit/debit card. International credit cards and orders outside the USA are not accepted.
timberland.comNONovember 7, 2010American credit card is a must have. Can reject your order even if you use a USA IP address. Recommend to buy elsewhere... too much hassle with this shop.
tommy.comYESJanuary 05, 2011ordered with ups shipping, very fast.
toolbarn.comYESSeptember 11, 2010shipping no problem, just doesn't accept international credit cards
tools-plus.comYESSeptember 25, 2010Одна трудность - требуют номер транзакции по российским картам.
totalhockey.comYESSeptember 24, 2010Отличный сервис, но придеться для оформления заказа созвониться с ними или использовать чат, т.к. через checkout карту с российским билингом не провести
towerhobbies.comYESOctober 01, 2010Отправляют без проблем. Расплачивалась Визой СБ
toysrus.comYESNovember 30, 2011no problem (credit card is Non-American, billing address is Shipito).
toysrus.comNOJune 16, 2010they don't sell for customers holder of foreign Credit Card!
tretorn.comNOJanuary 21, 2011Отказали. Ничем не обосновав. В биллинг адрес указывал ШипИтТу
truereligionbrandjeans.comNOAugust 18, 2011The billing address that you have provided does not match your credit card's billing address. You will need to contact your bank to verify this information and place a new order.
trusnowNOJuly 25, 2011Don't wanna send here. Canceled my purchase
tukshoes.comYESJune 27, 2011Ok
Tumi.comNOJuly 30, 2011Не принимают не американские карточки, и платежи с IP адресов вне США
twelvesouth.comYESAugust 29, 2010Nice ipad and macbook accessories. Shipped without problem.
uggaustralia.comYESNovember 25, 2010Бесплатная доставка за 1 день от 150$,работают замечательно!!!
uggaustralia.comYESJuly 29, 2010Shipped with no problem. Shipping and billing - Shipito.
underarmour.comYESOctober 15, 2010no issues
unique-vintage.comYESJuly 30, 2010Works fine with Shipito's billing and shipping address
Urban DecayNODecember 01, 2010The address is blocked as a shipping forwarder. What a shame for UD.
us.levi.comNOSeptember 30, 2010Отменили заказ без причин
us.levi.comNOSeptember 10, 2010They rejected my order without giving a reason for it
us.levi.comNOSeptember 09, 2010Не принимают International CC. Заказ был отменен.
us.levi.comNOOctober 21, 2010деньги заблокировали, а заказ аннулировали. сказали, не принимают иностранные карты.
us.levi.comYESOctober 07, 2010no problem
us.levi.comNONovember 29, 2010my order was cancelled next day. магазин не принимает оплату картами, выпущенными за пределами США и Канады
us.levi.comNONovember 27, 2010Despite our best efforts, we've been unable to complete your order and have had to cancel it.
us.levi.comNONovember 17, 2010Cancelled two orders without any explanation.
us.levi.comNOMay 11, 2011doesn't ship even if you pay with a US credit card
us.levi.comNOMarch 14, 2011Заказ приняли, но потом отказались. Нужна карта американского банка. Потом заказал эти же джинсы на Все дошло.
us.levi.comYESJune 08, 2010Works
us.levi.comNOJanuary 25, 2011blocked even with US card. buy these jeans by Amazon.
us.levi.comNODecember 10, 2010просто отказались
usa.loccitane.comYESJuly 21, 2011no problems with payments by russian credit card and delivery to this address.
usa.tommy.comNONovember 18, 2011does not accept billing or shipping addresses from Russia. Гады одним словом.
usa.tommy.comNONovember 05, 2010order is cancelled
usa.tommy.comNOJanuary 12, 2011Tommy Hilfiger: "We are unable to bill or ship to "shipper warehouses". apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause".
usa.tommy.comNODecember 29, 2010Torrance location is in the restricted list since the end of December.
usa.tommy.comYESDecember 17, 2010Shipping with no problems.
usa.tommy.comYESDecember 01, 2011nice delivery !!
usoutdoor.comYESSeptember 11, 2010no problem
uswings.comYESDecember 05, 2010no problem shipped by UPS
vanns.comYESOctober 09, 2010Delivered to Torrance in 3 days
vanns.comYESDecember 06, 2010Order was shipped without any problems. Paid with Visa E-card (VTB24)
vans.comNOFebruary 23, 2011not to freight forwarding companies
victoriasecret.comNOSeptember 26, 2011Two times orders for 150$ and 220$ was sended to my billing adress. Connecting with supervisor is not resolve a problem.
victoriasecret.comYESOctober 04, 2011no problem. Russian card, Billing & shipping address - Shipito
victoriasecret.comNOJune 08, 2011Customer Service informed that they do not ship here.
victoriassecret.comYESSeptember 10, 2010no problem
victoriassecret.comYESOctober 23, 2010Just speak to a supervisor. They will ship.
victoriassecret.comNOOctober 22, 2010they dont agree to this type of service
victoriassecret.comYESNovember 29, 2010Arrived on time
victoriassecret.comNOMay 31, 2010"the address is blocked"
victoriassecret.comYESMay 29, 2010ok
victoriassecret.comNOMay 21, 2010I was surprised.
victoriassecret.comNOMay 21, 2010They had many problems with customers from theese addresses.
victoriassecret.comNOMarch 30, 2011They decided not to send to this address because many parcels which was sent to Columbia St. was lost. Больше не шлют на этот адрес, потому что много посылок, адресованных туда, теряются.
victoriassecret.comNOJune 04, 2010They don't ship to this address. They mentioned that a lot of merchants used to ship to this address
victoriassecret.comYESJuly 31, 2010They initially mentioned that they don't ship to this address but they still do anyway. please clarify. Thank you.
victoriassecret.comNOJuly 13, 2011Cancel by store
victoriassecret.comNOJuly 05, 2010One order back has been shipped with no problem and arrived on 28 June,10, but the most recent one (July 2, 10) was refused 'due to issues with this address'.
victoriassecret.comYESJanuary 26, 2011no problem with order on $117 and free shipping.
victoriassecret.comNOFebruary 22, 2011no longer ship to Torrance (
victoriassecret.comNODecember 16, 2010They dont support forwarded adresses like Eastbiz Corp
victoriassecret.comYESAugust 09, 2010Works with small orders around $50-60. Orders with the amount around $100-200 were cancelled.
victoriassecret.comNOAugust 02, 2010They refused to ship my order as of July 29, 2010, saying that they no loger ship to that address. 24, 2011no problems. Overnight shipping.
Vitacost.comYESNovember 04, 2011no problem
walgreens.comNOMay 13, 2011Does not not ship to APO/FPO addresses
wallmart.comNOJuly 04, 2011nothing worked in the shop tried paypal U.S., U.S. netspend card, I changed my email. I gave up and bought at Target
walmart.comYESSeptember 10, 2011As always: no problems at all :)
Walmart.comNOOctober 05, 2011Order cancelled: "You may have also shipped the item to a shipping company which is also against our policy."
walmart.comNOJune 16, 2010my billing card adress is not in I can't buy there!
watchismo.comYESDecember 07, 2010absolutely no problems
WaterPumpWarehouse.comYESSeptember 04, 2010Отличные цены, огромный ассортимент, доставка в шипито и в Россию. PayPal, VISA. Promotion codes
Wave RaveYESAugust 22, 20101-2 days shipping, no problem with billing address being in another country.
wengerna.comNOJuly 21, 2011They don't accept international credit cards.
wilsonsleather.comNOSeptember 09, 2010Не принимают International CC. Заказ был отменен.
wilsonsleather.comYESOctober 22, 2010Credit Cards AmEx Aeroflot- ok
wilsonsleather.comNOOctober 22, 2010Wilsons Leather is unable to accept Credit Cards that are issued by foreign banks or international accounts as the customer billing and shipping address information cannot be verified.
windance.comYESOctober 18, 2010no problem
Woman Within Plus size clothingYESNovember 21, 2010Again,call customer service to adjust billing address with a None US credit card. Packaging is sturdy but light weight plastic.Saves on postage
wonderconstumes.comYESAugust 08, 2011Brazilian CC, no problems.
woot.comYESOctober 30, 2010Yes without CA taxes!
woot.comYESMay 20, 2010Yes, ships to this location
woot.comYESAugust 27, 2010no problem.
workinggear.comYESFebruary 05, 2011Ukranian CC + Shipito address. Went well.
worldwide sport supplyYESOctober 10, They wrote an email to call'em back and confirm whether you get statement in Torrance. If confirmed - they send goods
wweshop.comYESSeptember 05, 2010Всё отлично и быстро доходит. Проблем нету. no porblem!
yoox.comYESJuly 31, 2010smooth and fast
zamourispices.comYESSeptember 15, 2010Brought Argan oil from them.They are good in shipping to this location.Best hair oil in the world.Every one should try it.
zappos.comYESOctober 31, 2011eeee
zappos.comYESOctober 21, 2010no problem
zappos.comYESOctober 18, 2011no problem with shipping
zappos.comYESOctober 10, 2010no problem
zappos.comYESNovember 29, 2010it works!
zappos.comYESNovember 24, 2010AA - State, 99999 ZipCode - no Problem with russian cards and shipito as shipping address
zappos.comYESMay 27, 2010ok
zappos.comYESJune 25, 2010This shipped fine to this location.
zappos.comYESJune 24, 2010This shop delivers packages to this address without problems and quickly.
zappos.comYESJune 12, 2010Accepts PayPal payments, including foreign accounts. Ships fast!
zappos.comYESJune 09, 2010works
zappos.comYESJune 01, 2010ok
zappos.comYESJanuary 31, 2011no problem.
zappos.comYESJanuary 21, 2011accept Non-US credit cards
zappos.comYESJanuary 05, 2011Без проблем! Регистрировался, как описано для 6pm на
zappos.comYESFebruary 28, 2011All ok, accept russian cards, ship in 5 business days.
zappos.comYESDecember 11, 2010без проблем и быстро
zappos.comYESDecember 05, 2010Without any problems shipped via UPS Ground.
zappos.comYESAugust 30, 2010PERFECT-FAST
zappos.comYESAugust 23, 2011ок
zulily.comYESOctober 23, 2011accepted russian credit card when making an order by the phone (online orders require a US credit card or US paypal account)
zulily.comYESMay 11, 2011accepts US credit cards or US paypal
zulily.comNOApril 04, 2011не принимают карты российских банков. paypal также не проводит платёж.

As you can see many US online retailers ship to freight/parcel/package forwarders. And since prices are significantly lower in the USA, many customers use services like Shipito for shipping even to distant countries like Russia, Australia, New Zealand.

My favorite shops shipping to Shipito warehouse in Torrance, CA

Personally I prefer to use more than any other US shop. Not only it is the largest shop in the USA, but also accepts international credit cards, ships to freight/parcel/package forwarders like Shipito, and it is great at refunds. And you don't need to pay californian sales tax (9.5%) when shipping from Amazon to the Torrance warehouse. Note that you do need to pay sales tax for some merchants from the Amazon marketplace. Also note that you may use another warehouse of Shipito in Tualatin, Oregon, which is a no sales tax location.

Also I like USA private shopping clubs especially the ones that support international debit and credit cards:

While you may use Assisted Purchases from Shipito or any other service when making purchases in online stores, such services won't work well with lightning fast sales that private shopping clubs offer. So it is really great that private shopping clubs support international cards and ship to freight forwarders (also known as mail forwarders, package forwarders).

And I've made many purchases in sports online stores:

Share your experience on shipping purchase outside the USA

What freight/parcel/package forwarders do you use? Do you use Assisted Purchases? What shops do you like and what is your experience with them?

See also:


  1. [...] Notify me of follow-up comments via email. Subscribe by email to this site « Online shops shipping and not shipping to Shipito warehouse in Torrance, CA [...]

  2. [...] 2 from Apple Online Store even if you use freight forwarders like Shipito and MyUS. For example, shipito customers reported problems with Apple Online Store many [...]

  3. [...] like ANY other address. BUT I and many of my friends use it for making legit purchases in US online shops that don’t ship overseas. Also even US individuals and US companies use Shipito package/parcel forwarding service for [...]

  4. hi..just tried to buy stuff from singapore.Rue lala do NOT accept international credit card.Please be informed.merry xmas!

  5. I've used my Russian MasterCard debit card on RueLala several times without any problem.
    What kind of shipping and billing address did you use when making your order? Have you tried to use your virtual USA address for both billing and shipping?

  6. When I visit 6pm, I get the following message:
    "We are so sorry - we are working on a few technical issues before opening up our site to traffic from locations outside the continental United States. We hope to open back up very soon. If you have any questions please email us at"

  7. Can I buy Apple iPhone, iPad, Macbook Air in Apple Store USA and ship it to Shipito or any other mail forwarder?

  8. Классный список! Очень помог! Спасибо!

  9. У вас RSS в кривой кодировке!

  10. Спасибо за Ваш отзыв! Если кривая кодировка проявляется в неправильном отображении кириллических символов, то, к сожалению, не могу это исправить. Если выбрать русский язык для блога, то все пользователи этого англоязычного блога будут видеть некоторые части интерфейса на русском языке.

    Или указанная Вами проблема проявляется по-другому?

  11. The amount of orders with this address is absolutely stunning. We even added international shipping after finding out. But our customers still ship to this address. Do you know why?

  12. Подскажите источник этой таблицы. И нет ли ее перевода на русский язык полностью? А то Prompt не очень качественно переводит.

  13. А не ли у кого видео инструкции по использованию Шипито? Хотелось взглянуть на интерфейс перед тем, как оплачивать их услуги.

  14. Полезная табличка. Спасибо!

  15. You may use a proxy server or a VPN to pretent you have a US IP number.

  16. There are many reports about Apple Store USA in the chart above.

  17. Пожалуйста! :)

  18. May be your customers still don't know that you offer international shipping. May be you offer shipping through courier services while your customers need state postal service to avoid customs clearance. Or may be your customers consolidate packages to save on shipping.

  19. Клиентам Шипито данные доступны в аккаунте. Переведенной таблицы у меня нет.

  20. Попробуйте заглянуть на сайт Шипито в раздел Tutorials.

  21. Рад помочь!

  22. What are private shopping clubs and why do you recommend them?

  23. Private online shopping clubs are also known as fashion sale sites, private sale sites, sample sale sites, flash sale sites. They offer designer clothing for men, women, kids at discounted prices. These members only shopping clubs allow members to buy designer and fashion clothing as well as other stuff at a 30-90% discount. Private shopping clubs organize sales events for its members that typically last 1 to 3 days. Besides clothing, shoes and accessories they may have other sales including home and travel ones. I recommend them because they offer high quaility stuff at low prices daily.

  24. Can I buy Macbook Air via Shipito?

  25. Most probably you will have problems purchasing Macbook Air from Apple Store USA, because it doesn't ship to freight forwarders. But you can buy it on ebay, Amazon, B&H Photo Video,...

    Note that since USPS doesn't allow to ship lithium batteries it is really a good idea to use shipping forwarders like Shipito that offer shipping methods for electronics with lithium batteries.

  26. You can also make purchases at online stores that ship internationally like Land's End, Yoox, NextDirect, Gap, Old Navy,...

  27. I buy everything in China. Spend much less.

  28. It is not only about price, but also about quality. I prefer to buy quality stuff. I feel much better using it and such things last longer. And I'm not even sure I will spend more eventually.

  29. Are there any deal-a-day sites in this list?

  30. Some deal-a-day sites that ship to Shipito and accept international debit and credit cards:
    - Amazon Gold Box
    - Amazon Warehouse Deals (open box, refurbished, like new and used products)
    - Woot
    - SharkStores

  31. The only online stores from this list I have used are Amazon and Gilt. I also make plenty of purchases on eBay.

  32. This list is very helpful for those using the services of freight fowarder

  33. I use NextDirect, Land's End and Yoox shops. They ship directly to Russia.

  34. I'm looking for flash sales and daily deals web-sites. Would be nice to see a separate chart for such sites. Otherwise it is good.

  35. [...] like ANY other address. BUT I and many of my friends use it for making legit purchases in US online shops that don’t ship overseas. Also even US individuals and US companies use Shipito package/parcel forwarding service for [...]

  36. […] like ANY other address. BUT I and many of my friends use it for making legit purchases in US online shops that don’t ship overseas. Also even US individuals and US companies use Shipito package/parcel forwarding service for […]

  37. […] ANY other address. BUT I and many of my friends use it for making legit purchases in European and US online shops that don’t ship overseas. Also even US individuals and US companies use Shipito package/parcel forwarding service for […]
