Current price of Apple iPhone 4S in the Apple Store USA:
- iPhone 4S 16GB - $649.00
- iPhone 4S 32GB - $749.00
- iPhone 4S 64GB - $849.00
You can buy the unlocked version of Apple iPhone in the Apple Store USA, but there are 2 problems to address:
- Apple Store USA ships within the USA only. So you need to get a virtual USA address from package forwarding company like Shipito.
- Apple Store USA allows to pay with a US or Canada debit/credit card only:
When an order is placed using a credit card as payment, the Apple Store will perform an automated check to confirm that the address information matches what is on file with the card-issuing bank. It is less likely that an automated response will be received from an international bank than from a U.S. bank. If a response is received and indicates that some of the information does not match, we must contact the bank for verification. If the card-issuing bank is outside the U.S., the secondary verification is not possible, and we cannot proceed with the order. For this reason, Apple strongly recommends that you use only credit cards issued within the U.S. or Canada.
If you don't have any credit cards issued within the USA or Canada, you may use Assisted Purchases services from companies like Shipito.
Bottom line: For purchasing Apple iPhone 4S, use a package forwarder (freight forwarding company) like Shipito for both a virtual USA address and paying for the purchase in the Apple Store USA.
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