Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Free consolidation of magazines on Shipito

Shipito allows you to receive magazines and letters. You can:

  • trash them,

  • enable fast mailout and send them to you via Shipito air mail,

  • consolidate magazines with your packages.

When consolidating magazines with other packages many users wouldn't want to pay the regular consolidation fee of $2 per package. Luckily there are 2 ways to get free consolidation of magazines on Shipito:

  • Get "Virtual Mailbox Premium" ($25 per month or $150 per 6 months)

  • Get "Virtual Mailbox" ($50 per year) and pay for more than 1 year. To be accurate virtual mailbox must be pre-paid for longer than 365 days and then there is no fee for consolidating magazines. Just watch when your Virtual Mailbox gets below 365 days as it will make the consolidation for a fee again.

Note that you can't consolidate a letter for free. But you can request email shipping of the contents of the letter or pictures of it, which will be a scan for $2.

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